Life Saving Incident
October 1, 2017
Orange County
Santa Ana Police Department
On October 1, 2017, Sergeant Michael Gonzalez was off duty and attending the Route 91 Music festival in Las Vegas Nevada. Suddenly, gunfire erupted from the 32nd floor of a nearby hotel tower. As numerous victims were shot and began falling to the ground, scores of off duty first responder's that were at the festival began rendering assistance to the injured. Sergeant Gonzalez and another off duty officer located one severely injured victim. The pair used a stethoscope as a tourniquet for a wounded woman, tightening it with a pen and tape. Strips of a first aid tent held the tourniquets in place. After applying the tourniquet, Sergeant Gonzalez ran into the street and began flagging down passing cars to assist with transportation to the hospital. Sergeant Gonzalez and others then loaded injured victims into the vehicles before returning into the active shooting scene to render additional aid to other wounded people. The aftermath of the shooting was more than 50 innocent people murdered and hundreds more with serious injuries. The incident remains the worst mass shooting in US history.

The history of law enforcement in the United States is a long and wonderful history of bravery. This website is dedicated to documenting the heroic deeds of law enforcement officers throughout the United States who have either given or risked their lives to save others. There are many stories of bravery and heroism for many who are considered first responders. However, it is those in law enforcement who are most likely to be the first to arrive upon a location requiring life saving acts engaging dangerous hostage takers, running into burning buildings/vehicles, providing first aid to seriously injured victims, saving near drowning victims and much more are what the women and men of law enforcement do routinely and at many times, great peril to their own safety.
It is our mission to document the history of lives saved by those dedicated women and men in law enforcement. To share with others the dramatic deeds of those individuals who are the first, first responders. It is so important for our citizens to understand that law "enforcement" is not always about enforcing the law but rather being there when our citizens need us.
It is to this end we are dedicated to promoting documentation regarding the history of law enforcement and the lives they have saved.