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Life Saving Incident

September 20, 2017
Marion County

On September 20, 2017, Trooper Smith, a three year veteran, and Sergeant Josh Watson a thirteen year member of the Indiana State Police, responded to a postal carrier's concerns about one of his customers along his Indianapolis mail route. The carrier was delivering mail when he noticed that one of his customers had uncharacteristically not collected his mail for several days. Suspecting something could be wrong the carrier contacted Trooper Smith who lived nearby. Trooper Smith then went to the house and knocked on the door, checked windows and called out for the man. She noticed glass in one of the garage doors had been recently broken, which raised her suspicion. After several minutes with no contact, Smith contacted Sergeant Watson for assistance. Once he arrived they again attempted to make contact with anyone who may have been inside the home but to no avail. After speaking with a neighbor and learning the man lived alone, Smith and Watkins forced entry into the home. Once inside, they heard muffled sounds of distress from a back bedroom. Inside they found a man who was extremely disoriented and unable to move lying in the doorway. The man had fallen into a mirrored closet door that shattered causing several cuts to the victim who had been lying there for several days. An ambulance was called and Trooper Smith and Sgt. Watson began rendering first aid. The man spent multiple days in the hospital while he recovered from his injuries. “The swift and decisive action of Trooper Smith and Sergeant Watson most certainly helped avert tragedy that day. The celebrated outcome is a testament to the good that comes when the community and police work together”, said Lt. Jeffery Payne, Indianapolis District Commander.

The history of law enforcement in the United States is a long and wonderful history of bravery. This website is dedicated to documenting the heroic deeds of law enforcement officers throughout the United States who have either given or risked their lives to save others. There are many stories of bravery and heroism for many who are considered first responders. However, it is those in law enforcement who are most likely to be the first to arrive upon a location requiring life saving acts engaging dangerous hostage takers, running into burning buildings/vehicles, providing first aid to seriously injured victims, saving near drowning victims and much more are what the women and men of law enforcement do routinely and at many times, great peril to their own safety.
It is our mission to document the history of lives saved by those dedicated women and men in law enforcement. To share with others the dramatic deeds of those individuals who are the first, first responders. It is so important for our citizens to understand that law "enforcement" is not always about enforcing the law but rather being there when our citizens need us.
It is to this end we are dedicated to promoting documentation regarding the history of law enforcement and the lives they have saved.