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Life Saving Incident

April 28, 2018
Lake County
Madison Township

On April 28, 2018, Madison Township Officer Jeffery Butram responded to a call of an unresponsive male at one of the gas pumps at the Madison Get-Go Station. According to the officer, when he arrived on the scene there was a registered nurse present who was performing CPR. “She was getting pretty exhausted because she had been doing it for probably a minute or longer,” Butram said. “I took over from there and continued with the chest compressions. The individual would breath as I was pushing on his chest so we put him in a rest position thinking he was going to continue breathing, but he did not.” According to the officer, at that point they rolled him back over and continued chest compressions until the Madison Fire Department arrived and transported him to the hospital. Butram later found out that the man did survive and was responsive and communicating with hospital staff about 15 minutes after he was at the emergency room. Butram feels that receiving the Lifesaving Award is an honor and that it feels good to be recognized for the things that the officers do on patrol. “Sometimes we don’t get the recognition for the all the tasks that we do, but when you do get presented with an award like this it is a great honor,” Butram said. Byers said that when he heard about what Butram had done he was very proud of him and thought that his actions exemplify what they look for in their officers. The chief also noted that it turns out the man Butram had saved was actually the chief’s former high school football coach and his friend. “I am so proud of him. He showed exactly what we look for and the actions that he took I think all of our officers would have done,” Byers said. “That’s why I nominated him for the Police Chiefs Association award. It didn’t take much forethought to realize he fit the criteria for the award and think he should be nominated for it and I’m glad the nomination committee agreed.”

The history of law enforcement in the United States is a long and wonderful history of bravery. This website is dedicated to documenting the heroic deeds of law enforcement officers throughout the United States who have either given or risked their lives to save others. There are many stories of bravery and heroism for many who are considered first responders. However, it is those in law enforcement who are most likely to be the first to arrive upon a location requiring life saving acts engaging dangerous hostage takers, running into burning buildings/vehicles, providing first aid to seriously injured victims, saving near drowning victims and much more are what the women and men of law enforcement do routinely and at many times, great peril to their own safety.
It is our mission to document the history of lives saved by those dedicated women and men in law enforcement. To share with others the dramatic deeds of those individuals who are the first, first responders. It is so important for our citizens to understand that law "enforcement" is not always about enforcing the law but rather being there when our citizens need us.
It is to this end we are dedicated to promoting documentation regarding the history of law enforcement and the lives they have saved.