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Life Saving Incident

July 11, 2020
Shelby County

On July 11, 2020 Officer Chris Williams , Memphis Police Department, was the first officer to arrive on scene where he found Quiezell Johnson with several gunshot wounds, one in the foot and another in the neck. Williams had on him what is called a “Medicop kit,” which is a small pouch with essentials to administer life saving techniques until paramedics arrive. It was the second time Officer Williams has rendered life-saving first aid to shooting victims. Johnson later pointed to where a bullet ripped through his neck. He was walking along Chelsea Avenue someone in a passing car opened fire on him. “When I tried to run to safety, I felt my right leg going out,” said Johnson. It was one of the scariest nights of his life, but that’s the last he remembers of it, realizing another bullet had hit his foot before passing out blocks away. “It’s painful, you know. It’s blissful too,” he said. It’s a blessing to survive the odds, and a blessing to be standing right next to the Memphis police officer who helped him beat those odds. “I’ve never seen somebody get shot in the neck and survive,” said Officer Chris Williams. Williams said he found Johnson in a heap on the ground, bleeding badly from his neck and drifting in and out of consciousness. “I got my gauze. I got my trauma pack, and I theoretically pushed it inside of his neck so it would stop the bleeding,” said Williams. It’s not Williams’ first time applying life-saving aid. Last year, he came to Dantae Jones’ rescue after he took two bullets. “You said turnover, that’s the only way I can save you. I said I can’t turn over. You flipped me over,” said Jones. His actions are flipping perceptions as well. “I never thought I would be saved by an officer ’cause when I was growing up, the officers always thought we was always crooks and thought we was up to no good. I have a positive thought now,” said Johnson. The two men are staying in touch. Officer Williams, who has seven years on the force, refuses to be called a hero and credits his first aid kit for the save. Every Memphis policeman was equipped with the trauma kit in 2018, and he said he’s not the only officer that has used it to save lives.

The history of law enforcement in the United States is a long and wonderful history of bravery. This website is dedicated to documenting the heroic deeds of law enforcement officers throughout the United States who have either given or risked their lives to save others. There are many stories of bravery and heroism for many who are considered first responders. However, it is those in law enforcement who are most likely to be the first to arrive upon a location requiring life saving acts engaging dangerous hostage takers, running into burning buildings/vehicles, providing first aid to seriously injured victims, saving near drowning victims and much more are what the women and men of law enforcement do routinely and at many times, great peril to their own safety.
It is our mission to document the history of lives saved by those dedicated women and men in law enforcement. To share with others the dramatic deeds of those individuals who are the first, first responders. It is so important for our citizens to understand that law "enforcement" is not always about enforcing the law but rather being there when our citizens need us.
It is to this end we are dedicated to promoting documentation regarding the history of law enforcement and the lives they have saved.