Life Saving Incident
September 18, 2020
The Brazos County Sheriff’s Office has awarded one of its deputies with a Life Saving Medal after he saved a baby’s life last month, according to a post on the sheriff’s office’s Facebook page.
Deputy Adam Dodson was called to the 5100 block of Leonard Road on Sept. 18 for a CPR in progress call involving an infant child, according to BCSO.
After arriving on scene, Dodson determined that the 20-day-old baby was not conscious or breathing and he began working to clear the baby’s airway.
As the baby’s parents watched, Dodson went through the choking procedure for infants— a series of techniques used to clear a blocked airway.
After what Dodson described as being “the longest minute of his life," the baby then began to breathe on his own, according to officials.
Bryan Fire Department medics eventually took over for Dodson and the baby was taken to an area hospital, conscious and alert. According to the sheriff’s office, Dodson’s actions saved the child’s life.
“Adam’s calm and decisive action, unquestionably saved this baby’s life, and he, without a doubt, deserves to be awarded the Life Saving Medal,” the sheriff’s office said.

The history of law enforcement in the United States is a long and wonderful history of bravery. This website is dedicated to documenting the heroic deeds of law enforcement officers throughout the United States who have either given or risked their lives to save others. There are many stories of bravery and heroism for many who are considered first responders. However, it is those in law enforcement who are most likely to be the first to arrive upon a location requiring life saving acts engaging dangerous hostage takers, running into burning buildings/vehicles, providing first aid to seriously injured victims, saving near drowning victims and much more are what the women and men of law enforcement do routinely and at many times, great peril to their own safety.
It is our mission to document the history of lives saved by those dedicated women and men in law enforcement. To share with others the dramatic deeds of those individuals who are the first, first responders. It is so important for our citizens to understand that law "enforcement" is not always about enforcing the law but rather being there when our citizens need us.
It is to this end we are dedicated to promoting documentation regarding the history of law enforcement and the lives they have saved.